Pet Insurance Claims

Need to make a claim?

Take a look at the options below. If you still aren’t sure what you need to do or how our claims process works, please call us on 1300 096 023.

Option 1 – Online claiming

For existing members please login to submit your claim.

  • Simply upload a copy of both the itemised invoice and the consultation notes from your vet visit.
  • If this is your first claim we require your pet’s full medical history from all previous vets from the time you first owned your pet.
  • If your pet was adopted at an older age please supply adoption paperwork and medical records since adoption.

If you are a new member please sign up to manage your policy online.

Option 2 – Paper claiming

If you would prefer to send us your claim through the post, please ensure you have completed the following steps:

  • Print a claim form and fill in your details, check that you have completed all areas on the claim form.
  • Take it with you to the vet and ask them to fill out Section 2. Both you and your vet will need to sign the form.
  • Attach the original itemised invoices, payment receipts and consultation notes and post them to:

    Real Pet Insurance,
    Locked Bag 9021,
    Castle Hill NSW, 1765

The relevant Policy Booklet which contains the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Financial Services Guide (FSG) are designed to help you decide if a product is right for you and to help you make an informed decision about whether to use the services we provide in relation to Real Pet Insurance products.