Difference between full life insurance and term life insurance

The main difference between term life insurance and full life insurance comes down to how long you’re covered for. Full life insurance policies insure you for life – meaning you will remain covered until you pass away or make a claim. With term life insurance, your cover will eventually expire after a set number of years, or when you reach a certain age, whichever comes first.

Each type of life insurance policy will have its own benefit, so you should always consider your personal needs before deciding which one is right for you. It’s also important to remember that there are no official criteria for either of these types of policies. You may find that some term life insurance policies are very different to others, so don’t expect the same features and benefits across the board.

Comparing life insurance with term life cover

Here’s a guide to some of the differences between Real Life Insurance and Real Term Life Cover:

Real Life Insurance Real Term Life Cover
Term of cover No expiry
(depending on your circumstances)
Expires after 20 years or when you turn 85
(whichever comes first)
Benefit amount $100,000 - $2 million
(depending on your circumstances)
$10,000 - $100,000
Eligible age to apply 18 – 74 18 – 79
100% benefit paid out in advance if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness Yes
With less than 24 months to live
With less than 12 months to live and after holding your policy for 12 months
Cover for death Yes
Except as a result of self-inflicted injury in the first 13 months
Cover for accidental death only in the first 12 months, then cover for death by any cause thereafter
Triple benefit amount if death is accidental No Yes
Advanced funeral benefit while your claim is being assessed Yes
20% of your life insurance benefit amount up to $20,000
20% of your life insurance benefit amount
Optional cover for TPD or Serious Illness Yes No
No medical or blood test needed to apply Yes Yes

Get up to $2 million cover, depending on your circumstances, with Real Life Insurance

Life insurance depending on your life stage

The best type of life insurance for you will always depend on your own personal needs, and you may find that some policies are more suitable than others based on your life stage and family’s financial plans.

If you are wanting cover during a certain period in your life – such as your working years while you are raising children or paying off a mortgage, then term life insurance may meet your needs. If you expect that your family will need cover for a longer period, especially as you get older and are worried about funeral costs or final expenses dipping into savings, then a full life insurance policy may meet your needs. This type of cover remains for your entire life, which means the policy will never expire as long as you keep paying your premiums, or don’t cancel the policy or make a claim.

Full life insurance policies may also come with optional cover such as Total & Permanent Disability Insurance and Serious Illness Insurance or Children’s Insurance. These can help cover the costs of treatment and rehabilitation, and to financially support yourself and your family from the unexpected. If you want to cover your family for even more events, especially as you get older, then a full life insurance policy with these benefits may suit you better.

Before taking out life insurance, it’s recommended that you check any existing life cover that you have, such as through your super1, don’t cancel any existing cover until your new application is accepted, check any accrued benefits, the possibility of waiting periods starting again and always read the PDS.

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