Your child’s first day of school
The first day of school is a very big deal for any child — there’s the photo in the brand new school uniform, a new environment, and a new routine. So, when the time comes to say good-bye at the classroom door, it can be difficult to hold back the tears.
Of course, it’s not just parents who have to put on a brave face when school starts. Even if your child is looking forward to starting school, it can still feel overwhelming. But there are some simple strategies you can use to prepare your little one for the big day. So when the time comes, the only tears you’ll see will be yours.
Preparing for the big day
Before starting school, here are some easy tips to get them ready:
- Talk about their feelings. Make sure your child knows it’s ok to be nervous, and find out what they’re worried about. Kids can feel anxious about the strangest things, from making new friends to where to hang their hat. Remind them that their teacher will be there to help with these things and to help them settle in. Remember, your child will pick up on any concerns you have, so try to be positive whenever you talk to them about school.
- Stock up on supplies. Take your child on a special excursion to buy their uniform, school bag and other supplies, so they look forward to the day they get to use them.
- Share a packed lunch. By packing a lunchbox for you and your child to eat together at home, you can get them ready for lunchtimes in the school playground. It’s also a good way to familiarise them with essential skills, like opening a lunchbox and unwrapping food on their own.
- Find a friend. If you know another parent whose child will be starting at the same school as yours, arrange a play date before their first day. That way they’ll have a familiar face in the playground, so they won’t feel so alone.
Plan for the future
When your child is starting school, more than often you find yourself thinking about the future, what high school they will go to, and what other higher learning options there are. These thoughts may then lead you to worry about money and how you can help set them up for their future.
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But remember, it’s good to plan for the future, but take it one step at a time.
14 Dec 2024