One Simple Thing – Top ideas for a happier life
A range of factors and life events can contribute to your happiness levels. And after the disruption of COVID-19, it’s no wonder Australians’ happiness levels dropped from pre-pandemic levels.
Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do to improve your wellbeing, many of which cost nothing more than your time. From journaling, to learning a new skill or simply beginning your day with a positive intent, here are five everyday tasks that can make you happier.
Make your home a memory palace
For most of us, home is where we spend the majority of our time. And did you know that your physical environment can have a considerable effect on your mental wellbeing?
There are lots of tricks to improving your home’s ‘happiness’ factor, such as incorporating brighter colours or sprucing up your living space with green plant life. Another tip is to display sentimental items around your home. These could include photos of loved ones or special events, or simply an item that reminds you of a special time or person in your life. One quick glance at these things around your home can bring an instant smile to your face.
Start a gratitude journal
What are you thankful for? Is it the chance to spend time travelling? Is it having a good career? Is it the special moments you get to create with your family?
Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how much certain things mean to you, but a gratitude journal can be a good way of remembering. At the end of every day or week, simply jot down a few notes about what’s made you happy recently. In the months and years to come, you can reflect back on those pages and boost your happiness levels with a good memory.
Set an intent for each day
No matter what the day ahead holds for you, starting your morning with a deliberate intent can put you in a positive frame of mind. For example, “Today I will hit 10,000 steps” or “By the end of the day I will have resolved an issue at work that’s been bugging me”. Your daily goal doesn’t need to be anything demanding – start with small things then work your way up.
Having a goal to aim for sets you off on the right foot and gives you something to direct your emotions into for the day. Over time, this will naturally become part of your morning routine. You might even be surprised by just how much of a boost this ‘intent’ can be for your overall wellbeing.
Embrace mindfulness
With the importance of mental health making headlines and even school-aged children being encouraged to practise mindfulness, there’s now a much greater focus on boosting your mental wellbeing. And doing away with the stigma is a great thing!
But you don’t need to be a yoga master to de-stress. There are lots of simple ways to be mindful, from using a free app to meditate for just 15 minutes each day, to something as basic as stopping what you are doing and observing your breathing.
With consistency, it likely won’t be long before you start to notice an uptick in your happiness levels. Better yet, studies have shown meditation may be effective in improving your memory, easing lower back pain and even improving your heart health through reduced stress levels.
Commit to learning something new
With work and family life taking up most of your time, it’s easy to fall into a monotonous rhythm: wake up, head to work, come home and spend a bit of time with your loved ones, go to bed – and do it all over again. Over time though, this monotony can seriously impact your wellbeing.
One easy way to flip the switch on this repetition is by introducing something new into your life. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but have just never gotten around to yet – do you want to learn how to cook, speak another language, play a particular sport, or get into an exercise routine like running or cycling?
You don’t have to spend a fortune on this new hobby. You just need to find something that brings you joy, and then be consistent about making time for it. It may be hard in the beginning – especially if you have spent years in the same day-to-day rhythm. However, by challenging yourself and pushing your own boundaries, you can come out the other side a happier person with a great new skill to show off to others!
There’s no set formula for happiness. The trick is staying on top of your mental wellbeing and making the necessary tweaks to your lifestyle to boost your outlook. These simple tips will hopefully get the ball rolling on your road to happiness!
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23 Jun 2021